The purpose of this website is to share my suggested answer to a question that has plagued me for decades. My name is Rick Benas, I am a Landscape Architect, and hopefully somewhere out there, a mathematician or physicist may be curious enough to confirm or refute my hypothesis. To me it’s worth the attempt, and I’ll even suffer the ridicule and humiliation if my suggested answer turns out to be nonsense.
I owe all of my good thoughts to the Italian Renaissance architect Filippo Brunelleschi, who in about 1415 rediscovered scientific perspective, as documented in 1435 by the architect and writer Leon Battista Alberti. But, according to the literature, there is evidence that the classical Greeks and Romans knew of it before him.
So here’s hoping there exists a courageous, or foolish enough entity willing to critique a landscape architect’s visual assessment of time.
The bothersome question is: how and where is time embedded within Brunelleschi’s centuries old concept that allows for the scientifically precise projection of space onto a plane?
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